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Writer's pictureDr. Pabon

Dental Care in the Urgent Care Setting

Updated: Mar 21

Understanding Periodontal Disease

Have you been noticing that your furry baby seems to have bad breath? You want to cuddle with them and even give them kisses but whew! Where is that smell coming from? Most likely your pet has plaque and tartar buildup. Even more, it is quite possible that your pet has developed periodontal disease. Did you know that around 80% of adult dogs have some degree of periodontal disease?

What is Periodontal Disease? 

Periodontal Disease has to do with inflammation and infection that develops on the tissues that are surrounding and support each tooth. As the disease progresses, it can become painful to the point that the animal will have difficulty eating or even stop eating.  Severe periodontal disease will cause the tissues that hold the tooth in place to weaken, and the teeth will start to loosen. Periodontal disease has also been linked to heart and liver disease. So not only does it affect your baby’s health locally, but also can have systemic effects.

Preventing and Managing Periodontal Disease

Preventing periodontal disease requires care at home, but also care by your veterinarian.

Home Care Tips

At home, best thing to do is daily toothbrushing. Just make sure the toothpaste used is safe for your animal friend. There are other tools you can use to combat dental disease like dental treats and dental diets. The rest you leave to us.


Professional Dental Cleaning at EVS Pet Urgent Care

Most animals should receive a professional anesthetic dental cleaning once a year (especially our small breeds like chihuahuas and Yorkies). Here at EVS Pet Urgent Care, we got you covered! We are here to provide dental care services when your furry one is due. It will all start with a physical exam and bloodwork to make sure your pet is healthy to go under anesthesia. Your pet will then go under anesthesia, we will not only scale the visible tartar but we will take care of the plaque that builds underneath the gum line. Plaque is the biggest concern! And it is not possible  to remove the plaque while the pet is awake. In addition to scaling, your pet will receive a full dental exam (probing) and dental x-rays to look for signs of disease that are not apparent without these tools. We will finish the cleaning with a nice polish.

Why Choose a Pet Urgent Care for Dental Services?

We really are here to help you the client, but also our fellow veterinarians. A lot of the times, the schedule is just too full at general practice, and your pet can’t be seen when you need it for his/her dental cleaning.

Handling Dental Emergencies

For example, what about when your pet’s dental health becomes more emergent? A common issue that we see in veterinary medicine is a tooth root abscess. A tooth root abscess causes significant swelling that is sometimes even visible to the naked eye. You might notice a swelling underneath the eye. It can be extremely painful and lead to your pet not wanting to eat. The best course of action in these cases is to remove the affected tooth. This has to be done as soon as possible. Therefore, it is possible that your primary veterinarian might not have the time to get this done when needed. Most emergency hospitals are also not able to provide full dental services. We got you covered at urgent care. We can make sure we take care of that painful tooth in a timely manner as well as evaluate the rest of the mouth for any signs of disease. No need for your baby to wait in discomfort anymore!

Learn more about EVS Pet Urgent Care's dental services here.


Interested in a dental consult or have questions? Reach out to EVS Pet Urgent Care at 877-874-4838.

Disclaimer: Please note that dental services are presently offered exclusively at our EVS Pet Urgent Care locations in Kissimmee, FL, and Northbrook, IL

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